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Fine Art, Video/Film (CTE), and Digital Art (CTE)

Phone Ext: 77356
Phone Ext: 77303
Room: 7
Course Descriptions: Art

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Course Descriptions: Art

Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the process of printmaking and create two original works focusing on these techniques. We will focus on linoleum cut printing processes and synthesize this knowledge through art production. We will focus on the intersection of music and art in addition to the tradition of Dia de Los Muertos. Lastly, students will familiarize themselves with contemporary artists working within printmaking, focusing primarily on local, Bay Area artists.
Abstract Drawing with Color:
Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the process of abstraction and create two original works focusing on these techniques. We will look at basic color theory and utilize this knowledge as we focus on the intersection of music and art in addition to the tradition of Dia de Los Muertos and relevant design work. Lastly, students will familiarize themselves with contemporary artists working within color and abstraction, focusing primarily on local, Bay Area artists.
Drawing Foundations:
Course Description: In this course, students will learn the foundational, perceptual skills needed for drawing. Through creating their own drawings and implementing technical processes, students will begin to see that drawing is a discipline/skill that can be both taught and learned. In addition, students will familiarize themselves with contemporary artists working within this medium, focusing primarily on local, Bay Area artists.
Digital Filmmaking (Digital Arts, CTE)
Digital Filmmaking is the entry-level course in the Filmmaking pathway following the Design, Visual and Media Arts Standards in the Arts, Media and Entertainment Sector of the California CTE standards. This class covers conceptual understanding and skills, both technical and theoretical, necessary to create, analyze, and appreciate professional-level film and video productions.  In the digital video medium, this class covers essential genres in films such as documentaries, narrative pieces, corporate advertising, and experimental films. There is a parallel focus on film production, as well as reading, writing, and analyzing, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the filmmaking process.

Two main challenges of this course are time and the group dynamics needed to make many video projects.  This is addressed in several ways.  Many of the projects have been designed with supplied video/audio files and specific targeted skills, allowing individual students to complete complex tasks alone while still promoting creative valuation. 
Graphic Design (Digital Arts, CTE)
Graphic Design is designed to train students on how to use industry standard digital editing software and computer hardware that can be applied to real world careers.  Students will learn many of the tools in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Bridge, and Animate including organizing and customizing their workspace, managing colors, swatches and gradients, the use of vector drawing and shape tools and when best to use each of these applications.  Emphasis will also be placed on contrast, balance, graphic design, composition, transforming graphics, importing assets into a project, creating digital graphics and illustrations, and manipulating type using text tools.  In Photoshop and Illustrator the importance of layering will be also taught.  Drawing tablets will be introduced and used to manipulate software and learn basic drawing skills..